I get emails saying he wants to kill himself

I get emails saying he wants to kill himself

My partner was sentenced to an IPP in feb 2005 for a GBH section 18 with intent. He was sentenced to 5 years but after numerous parole hearings being refused he was finally released in 2016 so had by then already served 11 years in jail.

His mental health has never been the best and he takes sleeping tablets, anti depressants plus antipsychotic medication too. The prison don’t seem to be much support to him when he’s having a bad time with his mental health; he’s just kind of left to it.

After being released he started working and was doing well then had a row with someone in a pub who knew him and knew the sentence he was serving so called the police and he was immediately recalled. That was the later part of 2016 he had only been out 6 months.

He has been back ever since. So has now served nearly 4 years just from having a row with someone and them reporting it knowing he would go straight back in and suffer the punishment for this.

He has been refused his parole hearing ever since he was due to have one in July this year but now has been told its postponed until jan 2021 so that has set him back again, and me as well. It’s so hard not being able to do anything about this sentence as you can’t plan a future or count down to release as you never know when and if it will ever happen. It’s like living a nightmare everyday.

Due to the lockdown and me not being able to visit his mental health has really taken its toll, I have received emails saying he wants to end his life as he sees no point living this life in a box with no sign of release and nothing to look forward to. He hasn’t been calling as he’s pulled himself back from everything as he’s not coping and yet again he seems to be getting no help. I try telling him that sending those kind of emails won’t help him get himself released but I guess he can’t help himself when he’s feeling so low.

It’s really taking its toll on our relationship right now, as like any prisoners gf/wife you wait for their call and when it doesn’t happen it fills you with dread. Fortunately I know how he isolates himself when he’s feeling this way as he says it’s the only way to deal with things is to switch off from the outside word and deal with being inside. It all just gets to much sometimes.

I can’t see an end to it but will just keep doing as I’m doing and hope that one day I can have my life back with him out of the prison walls.

The sentence not only ruins the inmates life it ruins the loved ones on the outside too we suffer just as much; if not sometimes more as we have a 'normal' life we still have to carry on with as well as the judgmental things people think of us.  




30th June 2020
Partner of an IPP prisoner (anonymous)